Programs & Projects

Youth for community Action

Name of Project ; Youth for community Action(Enabling youth to participate in the community and in entrepreneurship)...

Urgent relief campaign to reduce corona virus

Urgent relief campaign This campaign cooperation with  Drosos Foundation its consists of urgent projects; Support campaign...

Training and institutional capacity building

Since its inception, ENSAN Aid has been pursuing building the capacities of the work team...

The International Program ;Capacity Building of ENSAN Aid Aid Egypt & West Africa and our strategic partners.

International Program: Building the capabilities of Ensan Aid employees in Egypt, West African countries, and...

The Cash Transfer project (To reduce the effects of coronavirus)

The Cash Transfer project (To reduce the effects of coronavirus) The project aims to support society...

SHARIK for better life program (Entrepreneurship, economic projects& community initiatives)

SHARIK “Is an Arabic word it meaning participate with us” The program was...

Ribbon project pink / early detection of breast cancer

 Result of the increase of women diagnosed with breast cancer – the organization began the...

Renovation and construction of the houses for poor people

    our goal is Renovation and construction of the houses for poor people. Duration...

Project” I’m learning”

Monet miehet kokevat haasteita intiimielämässään, mikä voi vaikuttaa heidän itsevarmuuteensa ja parisuhteisiinsa. On tärkeää muistaa...