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Tel : +2 096 5348 732
Call : +2 0100057 5064

: Email Egypt - Qena

“I’m Learning” program .The program aims to educate poor and orphaned children.

Education is a basic human right and is the fourth goal of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations and agreed upon by countries of the world to meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups around the world

By providing educational and livelihood support to all family members, people and communities can move out of poverty through better job opportunities. Education also greatly helps in building confidence and self-esteem and increasing the ability to access opportunities, which in turn affects successive generations within the same family as well as the development of the wider community

Inspiring hope through knowledge.

We believe that education is a right for everyone. We believe that all children should have the chance to learn, grow, aspire and achieve a bright future.


 ENSAN AID and Education

That is why ENSAN AID  is committed to breaking this cycle of poverty. We want to ensure that at least all children have access to primary education, and adults are taught to read and write as well.

A farmer who can read can be sure that no one is taking advantage of him, and can sell his crops at a higher price. An educated girl will marry at a more appropriate time and have fewer children, ensuring that she can raise her children safely and securely, educate them, and maintain their health. They will also be able to work and earn a living, which is critical in areas where a single salary is not enough to support a family.

ENSAN AID  is also building and rehabilitating schools, providing them with supplies, and equipping them to provide quality education. We train teachers so that they can provide the best possible education, and we support schools with meals, to ensure children are healthy enough to focus and learn.

We also work with adults, teaching them ways to best suit their situation and culture to facilitate learning in the safest way to change people’s lives. By supporting us, you can give a child or adult a brighter future free of poverty.

Inspiring hope through knowledge.

We believe that education is a right for everyone. We believe that all children should have the chance to learn, grow, aspire and achieve a bright future.